bs4 3D

Let customers configure your products online.
Automate quoting and order processing.

bs4 3D – comprehensive software for manufacturers of windows, doors, pergolas, furniture and other items.

The customer will configure your product three-dimensionally on your website.

  • You increase customer engagement, who will be 40% more likely to order the product.
  • You reduce costs, because your employee does not need as much time to serve 1 customer.
  • The customer conveniently and intuitively designs the product according to their needs. They see in 3D what they are ordering.
  • The customer saves different design variants and returns to them 24 hours a day.

 Automate offering and improve the process of order handling

  • The project can be automatically priced by the system or the program can streamline your bidding by generating a list of components.
  • The program will prepare a PDF visualization of the product and send it to the customer by e-mail.
  • The bs4 3D system will streamline order management. We will implement appropriate order statuses, smooth order flow between departments.

Dealers, salespeople can design products from your offer from anywhere. In the cloud. 365 days a year.

  • Give your sales network a modern tool for field work.
  • Distributors or salespeople can present customers with different versions of your products on a tablet.
  • The dealer has access to your B2B portal where he manages the sales funnel and sees the projects he has developed together with his customers. He does not have to invest in software and you gain his loyalty.

Augmented reality (AR)

Augmented Reality is a new trend and a new quality in IT and Sales techniques!

  • After configuring their product, the customer sees a QR code on the screen
  • They scan code with their mobile phone and after a moment they can see the product on the screen of their mobile phone or tablet against the background of their apartment, garden – the surroundings filmed with the phone lens.

3 revolutions in one system bs4 3D.

You move from 2D design to three dimensions. From offline to the cloud. From the designer’s office to the client’s home.

Thanks to the flexibility of our low-code system, we can customize according to your needs.

Mobile App

Access to customer data, orders, tasks in the bs4 core application on Android / iPhone phones.

Integration with the company’s ERP system

You don’t have to change your current financial and accounting software. If necessary, we will implement integration with your current ERP system. We will download inventory, customer receivables and export orders to it to convert them into invoices.

Marketing consents

The bs4 system facilitates data administration in accordance with the requirements imposed by the GDPR.

Portal for Dealers

A special B2B panel where your dealers log in. They can see their end customers, completed 3D projects, orders. Optionally, it can also contain e-invoices with the debt status and submitted complaints with status.

Emails and SMS templates

We can implement automatic communication with customers via email or text messages. The customer will receive confirmation of the order or progress of the order.

Generating docs from a template.

The bs4 core template and tag system allows you to automate customer correspondence, printing contracts or orders in accordance with the patterns in force in the company.

Success stories of bs4 Clients

Firma bs4 zaproponowała szereg rozwiązań dzięki którym udało się nam usystematyzować obsługę zamówień. Synchronizacje z programami typu CAD oraz magazynowo-sprzedażowym pozwoliły znacznie usprawnić naszą pracę i istotnie zmniejszyć ryzyko pojawienia się błędów. Nie musimy wprowadzać kilkukrotnie tych samych informacji i przepisywać ich z jednego programu do innego.

Paweł Surówka, Członek Zarządu, EUROCOLOR Sp. z o.o.

Kompetencja konsultantów, programistów i wdrożeniowców ze strony bs4 była gwarancją szybkiego i sprawnego wdrożenia systemu CRM w naszej firmie, co było dla nas priorytetem.

Tomasz Lange, Członek Zarządu ASTAT sp. z o.o.

Prototype of a working application in 3 business days

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