The bs4 core system facilitates data administration in accordance with the requirements imposed by the GDPR.
GDPR and marketing consents
When sending emails from the bs4 system, you can insert dynamic action links into them, which, when clicked by the recipient, trigger a specific action in the system.
Mechanisms supporting GDPR in bs4 core
It allows for the recording of consents granted to data processing.
Supports the automation of the process of accepting and withdrawing consents.
It enables the categorization of granted consents and their appropriate configuration in the system (e.g. commercial or marketing consent).
Allows you to grant users permissions to view specific data.
Ensures monitoring of system logins and data flow.
It allows for data anonymization.
It takes into account the right to be forgotten – it allows for the permanent deletion of a person’s data (except for backups already made).
It enables increased data security by, for example, requiring the establishment of a difficult password, the obligation to change passwords from time to time, etc.
Prototype of a working application in 3 business days
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