bs4 business solutions sp. z o.o.

In the industry since 2002

35/5, Słowackiego Street,
Poznań, Poland

tel.: +48 61 848 44 23

About Us

bs4 business solutions produces proprietary low-code software that supports business process management, document management, and workflows. We have been in the industry since 2002, and from the very beginning, we have focused on developing innovative products and delivering high-quality solutions in the advanced business systems segment.

We treat each client individually. The customizability of our software, along with our extensive experience, allows businesses in many different industries to tailor our software to their needs.

bs4 software enables collaboration with other programs and data import tools. Among its core modules are service management, task management, help desk, document workflow, and the creation of customer records.

We began operations in 2002 as “bs4 internet Michał Lipiecki.” Our initial proprietary system, bs4 intranet, was a web-based CRM-class system.

Over time, as more companies implemented our technology, we expanded our system to include additional functionalities beyond just CRM.

In 2008, we became  Bs4 Business Solutions sp. z o.o.

We developed the new version of our system, Bs4 ultra,  into a multi-module low-code system. The program received several awards, including recognition at the Gigacon conference.

In 2022, we introduced a completely new low-code system called bs4 core. It received the Innovation of the Year 2022 award at the Future Expo 22 in Warsaw.

We boast substantial experience, stability, and most importantly, a loyal client base, with some clients having been with us since the very beginning.

Our company name can be interpreted in two ways:

One interpretation comes from the secret pre-war bs4 cipher bureau department, where  three cryptologists worked: Marian Rejewski, Henryk Zygalski, and Jerzy Różycki. We chose this name to commemorate these outstanding mathematicians who successfully deciphered the German Enigma encryption machine.

It also has a second, more modern meaning: the abbreviation ”bs4” is an abbreviation for  “business solutions for.”

bs4 Company Management

Michał Lipiecki is the founder and CEO of bs4 . He is a graduate of the Poznań University of Economics. In the 1990s, he was co-owner of Eureka Soft & Hardware, which was  one of the most recognizable distributors of hardware and software for Amiga computers. From 2001 to 2002, he worked as an IT Project Manager at He also studied at the USDA Graduate School in Washington DC.

Michał Lipiecki also gives lectures on CRM almost every year at the Postgraduate Studies organized by the Poznań University of Economics.